What Is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is the therapeutic application of using sound frequencies with the intention of inviting harmony to disharmonious states of the mind and body. In its simplest form, Sound Healing is a deeply relaxing experience where in a session sound waves identify and address imbalances in both the physical and energetic bodies.

Understanding that every part of the human body and outer layer of the etheric or energy layers that surround the body is a field of vibration which, when in a state of health, resonates in harmony (resonance) and when sick (dis-eased) vibrates in various disturbed patterns (dissonance). Every organ, bone, tissue, gland, etc. has its own healthy resonant frequency. Disease is the dis-harmony in the vibrational pattern of one of these parts or systems of the body. A healthy frequency is referred to as a sound signature and these “signatures” combine with one another as well as with mental and emotional tones and overtones to make up a person’s “pitch.” It is possible to use externally created sound, such as Tibetan singing bowls or the pure tones of the a quartz crystal singing bowls, to rebalance a dis-eased area or system of the body. This is accomplished by the penetration of sound into the very cells of the body causing them to harmonically reorganize themselves through a phenomenon called entrainment. As sound waves “touch” peripheral cells, these cells in turn touch adjoining cells creating harmonic resonance within a particular area or system of the body. This is made possible by the high water content of the body’s tissues as well as the crystalline structure of human bones, blood, DNA, and the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the human brain. Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica (quartz) which enables the body to maintain its electrical magnetic balance.

Since sound affects us at both the conscious and unconscious levels it has the effect of counterbalancing the physical and emotional states of the body and the mind. By using sound, the internal and external can be brought back into states of harmony and flexibility.

We use the sounds and vibrations from some of the most healing instruments around the globe:

Tibetan Singing Bowls – The sounds generated by Tibetan Singing Bowls are a type of energy medicine that can promote healing from stress, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease in the body and mind. Since all matter is energy vibrating at different rates, by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter. Sound from Tibetan Singing Bowls entrain the brain to move into the Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition. The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging the relaxation response and inhibiting the stress or pain response. Through listening to Tibetan Singing Bowls one’s internal dialogue, the ’inner critic’ is quietened. The sounds of the Tibetan singing bowls synchronizes brain waves and enhances awareness of the mind/body connection.

Crystal Singing Bowls – Most crystal singing bowls are made of 99.9% pure silicon quartz. The pure tones interact with the crystalline structure of our blood, bones and DNA promoting healing at a cellular level. The singing bowls are each tuned to a different frequency which address different aspects of the body. The wave patterns found in the crystal singing bowls are equivalent to the alpha waves of the brain and helps to sync the brain into more relaxed brainwave states.

Tuning Forks – Tuning forks create a resonance throughout our mind, body, emotions, and ‘etheric’ body. As such, they are powerful tools to facilitate balancing and healing. A tuning fork, when struck, produces a single sound or note with harmonics and overtones of that note. Strike two tuning forks together and two vibrational frequencies are created. The brain however, hears more than just the two frequencies. It also hears a third frequency derived from the difference between the two forks. So in actuality the brain hears three vibrational frequencies from just the two forks. It follows then, that when multiple forks are used, many harmonics, overtones, and frequencies are experienced allowing for the sense of becoming in harmony with what is.

Gongs – Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga was is the main teacher who brought gong meditation to the U.S. He felt that the more neurotic or out of balance someone was, the more he recommended gong sessions to purify the subconscious mind. It is difficult to awaken if your subconscious is crammed with old memories, thoughts and emotions.

Native American Flutes – Native American traditions frequently describe the creation of the world as being “sung into existence by sacred songs” The Natives also understood that when one is out of balance, sound, in the form of prayers and music, is used to restore wholeness and harmony. There are striking similarities between New Age philosophy and Native American beliefs: everything is connected; disvalued states arise out of imbalances between self, environment, community, and the cosmos; and we are personally responsible for re-balancing our lives. The Native American flute is used by both Native and non-Native people to treat various disvalued states such as grief, post-traumatic stress syndrome, physical pain, hypertension, depression, and dissociative disorder.

Shamanic Drumming – Drumming is one of the oldest forms of vibrational healing on this planet, and drums and rattles have been used in shamanism for thousands of years. The beat of the drum can be used to enter into altered states of consciousness for journeying, healing, and ceremony.
In short therapeutic rhythm techniques help to promote health and well-being. Rhythm healing employs specialized rhythmic drumming patterns designed to influence the internal rhythmic patterns of the individual and harmonize those which are thought to be causing the illness or imbalance. When administered correctly, specific rhythms may be used to accelerate physical healing, stimulate the release of emotional trauma, and produce deeper self-awareness. This technique has been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures around the planet to treat a variety of conditions.

Rhythm healing relies on the natural law of resonance to restore the vibrational integrity of body, mind, and spirit. Resonance is the ability of a sound wave to impart its energy to a substance such as wood, metal, or the human body, making it vibrate in sympathy. When we drum, our living flesh, brainwaves, and spiritual energy centers begin to vibrate in response. The drum pattern projects onto the body a supportive resonance or sound pattern to which the body can attune. This sympathetic resonance forms new harmonic alignments, opens the body’s various energy meridians and charkas, releases blocked emotional patterns, promotes healing, and helps reconnect us to our core, enhancing our sense of empowerment and stimulating our creative expression.

Chanting – The medical director of the Deepak Chopra center in California, Dr. David Simon, found that the sound from Tibetan Singing Bowls as well as chanting are chemically metabolized into ’endogenous opiates’, that act on the body as internal painkillers and healing agents.

Sound Bath – Sound baths can be an extremely profound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation and an acceleration of awareness of their inward journey. When you attend a sound bath, time feels as if it is suspended as you enter a world of vibration, sensation and experience. Most participants lie on the floor in a supported savasana (corpse pose) or sit in a comfortable chair. The vibration and sound waves fill the room with gentle ripples that wash over, through and around the energy field bringing one into harmony with what is. Physical injuries can be healed and old emotional traumas released and great insights can be accessed. A Sound Bath can leave you feeling vibrantly alive. Once you’ve had your first Sound Bath you’ll want more.

peace. love. light.